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Memorial Biography

Merlin Carothers, author of Prison to Praise, Power in Praise and sixteen other titles, is well-known throughout the Christian community.  His books have sold over 19,000,000 copies and have been translated into 59 foreign languages.  Carothers is the first author to have three books listed simultaneously on the top ten-bestseller list of the National Christian Bookseller Association.  His unique concept of, praising in all things, brings results that can only be termed miraculous.

The force of one very simple idea brought Carothers worldwide attention and put his first book at the top of the bestseller lists.

This one simple thought - that God's people are intended to give Him praise for everything that comes into their lives - is based on scriptural promises.  The Bible tells us in Romans 8:28: And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God.  There is nothing that He cannot turn to good and use as a source of spiritual growth to those who love and trust in the Lord.

Merlin believes that when Christians praise God - not just in spite of problems, but for the problems themselves (everything from petty annoyances to serious tragedies) - this praise releases the power of God to use the problem and bring good from it.  He cites numerous examples in his books to back up that conviction.  The author says, "The practice of praise is not a gimmick to get quick solutions; rather, it is a realistic recognition that anything God sends or permits in our lives must have a purpose and can be a source of divine strengthening and spiritual growth".

Merlin Carothers has come a long way over the years.  From the status of a military prisoner in 1943 and relative obscurity, he rose to prominence as a nationally known author of books that need only to be referred to as the "Praise Books".  These books have changed the lives of many thousands of people.

A Master Parachutist, he served in the 82nd Airborne during three major campaigns of World War II and then as a guard to General Eisenhower.  Later he became a Lt. Colonel in the U.S. Army Chaplaincy, pilot with the Civil Air Patrol, author, lecturer, pastor and evangelist.  Add to this list of achievements that of being a frequent guest on Christian Television, speaking all over the United States and in many countries, speaking in some of the largest churches in the world - on one occasion to a gathering of half a million.  Readers of his books have contacted him from all around the world.

Thousands of people have expressed a desire to study under Mr. Carothers' leadership to learn how to have spiritual joy!  Interest in the unique insight that God has given through his ministry has grown, as people are searching for a positive answer to resentment, guilt, depression and personal tragedy.  Christians have been overwhelmed to learn that they can live in peace as they discover the secrets of a life of praise.

As you read these books and watch the movie based on the book, you will discover why thousands of people are firmly convinced that PRAISE WORKS!

To learn more about Merlin, his books and the Foundation of Praise, please visit our website at www.foundationofpraise.org.

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